Wednesday, December 30, 2009

To succeed is to sacrifice...

After spending 10 wonderful days in California celebrating Christmas with my family I had a hard time leaving the amazing warm weather and heading back to Nashville! Although I didn't get a chance to see all the people I wanted, I did get to spend quality time with some of the people who I wanted to see most. It gets a little tricky when you want to get around southern california and you don't have a car!

This was my third trip home this year since living in Nashville. I can't believe it will be a year in January! It's funny, it seems that every time I go home I am asked the question, "so how long are you giving yourself to do this? do you have a time limit on how long you'll stay?" And the answer is no, I don't. When I moved here, the only plan I had was to become a professional musician. I wanted to try and make money at doing what I love to do. Lofty goal? maybe... but people do it every day.. why not me? I've only been here 1 year and I have achieved many of my goals already. I am, in fact, a professional musician! I get payed to play bass all the time! Yes, I still have a day job to pay the bills, but bass playing is definitely a big part of how I pay those bills. I have been on a tour bus, I have done a studio session, I am the permanent bass player for at least 2 artists here in town, I have played on Broadway (downtown nashville) and I honestly believe I am on track to making a living on bass playing alone. In this respect, I am already doing what I came to do... so if the question "how long?" is in regards to, how long are you gonna try this before you give up? well, i'm doing it.... so no need to give up! I did it, I'm here and I am a payed musician who gets gigs regularly. IF the question is in regards to "how long will you stay there as a bass player?" well, I have no idea. I guess when I feel it is time to move on to a new dream, I will! As for now, I feel good about the decision I made, and I think I've worked really hard to get where I am, and it can only get better from here!

When I first moved to Nashville, people would ask me.. "how is it?" and my thoughts then are the same now... it is a town that humbles you and inspires you all at the same time! I love that about this town! There are a million musicians that have been at it longer, know more about it, have more experience, and are just better than me! That humbles me every day! And yet, I am so inspired by that. They had to start somewhere too! They had their first studio session, their first 4 hour set in a honky tonk, their first road gig, their first rough gig, their first amazing gig, their first payed gig, their first WELL payed gig.. haha! Sometimes after a new gig, I will get advice from a drummer or the lead singer. They stick around and tell me a little more about how the town works, and how I can better prepare myself. It's hard to take sometimes, because that means they could tell I haven't been around long, apparently it looked like I needed the advice, but at the same time, I am so grateful for it! Instead of talking down to me, or just leaving me without imparting anything into me... Nashville musicians look out for each other. They like to help each other and when they see a newbie like me... they are eager to take me under their wing. Perhaps they see a little of themselves when they started out, or perhaps they just feel sorry for me... either way, I'll take all the advice I can get! After all, I had NO IDEA what it was going to be like when I came out here! Now... I even find myself giving advice to people who have just moved here....

People tell me a lot that they think it's great that I am trying to follow my dreams, some say they wish they could do the same. I just don't know any other way to live life? You are given a life, and it is your choice daily to live it how you want to. You are given talents, desires, characteristics, qualities, and all of these put together create endless possibilities for every person! What did God put in you? What is unique about you that you can share with others? You are different. And you have a purpose. When you pursue dreams, and desires in your heart, I believe it pleases God so much. He put those there! He wants that for us. He put such a huge passion for music in me, of course I need to pursue that! do it as long as I love it! That's not the only passion I have... so it's probably not the only thing I'll pursue in my life... that's what's so awesome about life! I can change my mind! I can switch it up! I can go from getting a degree in Communication, making videos, writing scripts, doing graphic design... to making music! And your interests and passions don't have to be your vocation or occupation... they don't always have to make you money for you to be following them and achieving them. I can honestly say that even though it has been really really hard to be here sometimes, leaving my family, making less than half the money I was making in CA, leaving friends.... I am happy! I have Joy because I am diving into what I feel I was created to do! It's not easy! but what about life ever is?? No, it's not easy, but it is rewarding and satisfying. And I am having a blast. Do I miss my family? more than they know, do I miss my friends? LIke the desert misses rain. Yes, I am sacrificing right now. A lot. But I get one shot at this life, and I want to experience all I can, all God has for me.

I'm moving into 2010 with more excitement than ever before. 2009 was definitely a turning point in my life. I have learned a lot about myself. I have made many new friends, I have cut ties with old ones. I have loved and lost. I have cried many tears, and I have laughed a lot. I have tried new things, been places for the first time. I have written songs, blogs, letters and checks! I have played bass in churches, bars, festivals, big stages, small stages, backyards, living rooms. I have cried on shoulders, I have offered my shoulder to cry on. I have changed. My life has changed. God still remains and I delight in the comfort of knowing that He loves me, that he's "got" me, and even more so in the comfort that nothing can separate me from His love.

Rock ON!
Love God. Love People.