I just turned 30 in May! I thought i would hate it and just wither away to nothing, but as it turns out... I love it!!! I think I will be very productive in my 30's! My roommates and boyfriend threw me a surprise white trash birthday party. It was AWESOME. Cameron also took me on a weekend trip to Destin FL which was also AWESOME!!!
I am still dating the most awesome guy ever, Cameron Cleland. You can check out his blog at www.cameronmicah.com
He is a guitar player/teacher. He also leads worship part time at a baptist church. Today we are celebrating one year of being together! WooHoo!! It has been one of the most amazing years of my life. I am truely blessed, humbled, inspired, encouraged, and impressed by him. If you haven't met him yet, you need. to!
I am also still working as a daycare teacher for 2-3yr olds, right here in downtown Nashville. I still love my job and am getting better at it everyday!

Music is still going well! I had a bit of a slow start this year. I went for about 5 or 6 months without playing any shows from January until late May... But it has picked up in a major way and I am playing bass a bunch! So busy! I have also spent more time writing. I have written several songs lately, all of which you can find on youtube, some will be up shortly, some are already there. I had the privilege of recording a song that I wrote with some very talented musicians and an amazing vocalist. That wll be on youtube soon as well, as soon as I figure out what footage to put with it! My dream is to make writing a career, but I love writing, so I will do it wether it is an occupation or not. Cameron bought me a ukulele to make writing a little easier for me and is giving me guitar lessons, as well as theory lessons so that my writing will improve, and eventually I will be able to play my songs out in "writer's rounds" where people come to hear an acoustic set of songs people have written. Can't wait! It's one of my goals for 2011!
ukulele songs here
Plans are set for me to be home for about 10 days in July. I arrive the 7th and leave the 18th. Would love to see all of you who are there, so holla at me! If you have any questions about my life, feel free to comment, or just call me!
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